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Swift 發(fā)送郵件框架 Hedwig

發(fā)布時間:2017-01-13 20:35  回復:0  查看:6211  感興趣:37  贊:1   最后回復:2017-01-13 20:35  

Swift 發(fā)送郵件框架 Hedwig

Hedwig 是一個可以發(fā)送郵件到任何 SMTP 服務器的 Swift 跨平臺框架。


let hedwig = Hedwig(hostName: "smtp.example.com", user: "foo@bar.com", password: "password")
let mail = Mail(
        text: "Across the great wall we can reach every corner in the world.", 
        from: "onev@onevcat.com", 
        to: "foo@bar.com", 
        subject: "Hello World"

hedwig.send(mail) { error in
    if error != nil { /* Error happened */ }
let hedwig = Hedwig(hostName: "smtp.example.com", user: "foo@bar.com", password: "password")
let attachement = Attachment(htmlContent: "<html><body><h1>Title</h1><p>Content</p></body></html>")
let mail = Mail(
        text: "Fallback text", 
        from: "onev@onevcat.com", 
        to: "foo@bar.com", 
        subject: "Title", 
        attachments: [attachement]
hedwig.send(mail) { error in
    if error != nil { /* Error happened */ }
let hedwig = Hedwig(hostName: "smtp.example.com", user: "foo@bar.com", password: "password")
let mail = Mail(
        text: "Across the great wall we can reach every corner in the world.", 
        from: "onev@onevcat.com", 
        to: "foo@bar.com",
        cc: "Wei Wang <onev@onevcat.com>, tom@example.com" // Addresses will be parsed for you
        bcc: "My Group: onev@onevcat.com, foo@bar.com;"    // Even with group syntax
        subject: "Hello World"
hedwig.send(mail) { error in
    if error != nil { /* Error happened */ }
let hedwig = Hedwig(
        hostName: "smtp.example.com", 
        user: "foo@bar.com", 
        password: "password",
        port: 1234,     // Determined from secure layer by default
        secure: .plain, // .plain (Port 25) | .ssl (Port 465) | .tls (Port 587) (default)
        validation: .default, // You can set your own certificate/cipher/protocols
        domainName: "onevcat.com", // Used when saying hello to STMP Server
        authMethods: [.plain, .login] // Default: [.plain, .cramMD5, .login, .xOauth2]        
let imagePath = "/tmp/image.png"
// You can create an attachment from a local file path.
let imageAttachment = Attachment(
        filePath: imagePath, 
        inline: true, 
        // Add "Content-ID" if you need to embed this image to another attachment.
        additionalHeaders: ["Content-ID": "hedwig-image"] 
let html = Attachment(
        htmlContent: "<html><body>A photo <img src=\"cid:hedwig-image\"/></body></html>", 
        // If imageAttachment only used embeded in HTML, I recommend to set it as related.
        related: [imageAttachment]

// You can also create attachment from raw data.
let data = "{\"key\": \"hello world\"}".data(using: .utf8)!
let json = Attachment(
        data: data, 
        mime: "application/json", 
        name: "file.json", 
        inline: false // Send as standalone attachment.

let mail = Mail(
        text: "Fallback text", 
        from: "onev@onevcat.com", 
        to: "foo@bar.com", 
        subject: "Check the photo and json file!",
        attachments: [html, json]
hedwig.send(mail) { error in
    if error != nil { /* Error happened */ }
let mail1: Mail = //...
let mail2: Mail = //...

hedwig.send([mail1, mail2], 
        progress: { (mail, error) in
            if error != nil { 
                print("\(mail) failed. Error: \(error)") 
        completion: { (sent, failed) in
            for mail in sent {
                print("Sent mail: \(mail.messageId)")

            for (mail, error) in failed {
                print("Mail \(mail.messageId) errored: \(error)")




