1. An App ID with Identifier 'com.XXX.XXX’ is not available. Please enter a different string.
1) 完全關(guān)閉Xcode;
2) 找到鑰匙串,將鑰匙串(Keychain)中的對應(yīng)證書移除;
3) 再次打開Xcode,通過Preferences - View Details - download新的證書;
4) 選擇正確的appID,運行項目。
2. <code livecodeserver="">The resource could not be loaded because the App Transport Security policy requires the use of a secure connection.</code>
1) 在Info.plist中添加NSAppTransportSecurity類型Dictionary。
2) 在NSAppTransportSecurity下添加NSAllowsArbitraryLoads類型Boolean,值設(shè)為YES
3) 注意,單元測試下面也有一個Info.plist,修改那個文件是沒有作用的!
3. “Your build settings specify a provisioning profile with the UUID “”, however, no such provisioning profile was found”
cd ~/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning\\\\ Profiles/
rm *.mobileprovision
4. Please verify that your device’s clock is properly set, and that your signing certificate is not expired
1) 關(guān)閉項目,找到項目文件XXXX.xcodeproj,在文件上點擊右鍵,選擇“顯示包內(nèi)容”(Show Package Contents)。會新打開一個Finder。
2) 在新打開的Finder中找到project.pbxproj,并且打開,找到所有包含報錯的UUID‘XXX’的行(包含UUID后面的一串數(shù)字的行,可能不包含"UUID"),整行刪除。
3) 保存,重新啟動項目,再編譯,就OK了。
5. @2x與@3x圖片無法提交SVN
原因:add a "@" character at the end of all "@2x" files while checking in and your problem with subversion will be solved.
in other words, "svn add blahblah@2x.png@" (where blahblah is the true name of the Retina high rez image files) at the terminal and then explicitly commit that. In other words, don't add these files from Xcode, use the command line in the Terminal.
Subversion can have troubles with files with "@" in the filename.
svn add image_file_name\\\\@3x.png@
svn commit -m “add your comment here"
6. CodeSign error: no provisioning profile at path '/Users/zhht-2015/Library/MobileDevice/Provisioning Profiles/79693141-f98b-4ac4-8bb4-476c9475f265.mobileprovision'
1) 關(guān)閉Xcode,找到項目中的**.xcodeproj文件,點擊右鍵,show package contents(打開包內(nèi)容)。
2) 打開后找到project.pbxproj文件,用文本編輯器打開。其實就是右鍵,點擊open就好了。
3) 打開這個文件后,按command+F,在這個文件中查找“PROVISIONING_PROFILE",找到這個“
PROVISIONING_PROFILE = "79693141-f98b-4ac4-8bb4-476c9475f265";
4) 然后保存文件,重新打開項目。xcode會提示你重新下載安裝provisioning profile文件。下載后安裝上就可以。
7. [NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource: ofType: 為nil
資源沒有真正添加到bundle中,需要在項目設(shè)置中,build phases —> copy bundle resources 點擊 + 重新添加即可。